Had planned to go for dinner on Saturday night with the Logan Village riders at a Chinese place at Waterford. Got a call from Grizz at about 3:00 in the afternoon saying that they were going to take a ride out to my place before heading on to Yahoo's. Well they eventually got out to my place at about 4:30 - Grizz, Panda, Koff, Dodge and Leon (on his V-Rod this time) - and we took a ride to Hogies at Wello Pt for a beer or two. Some blonde wannabe behind the bar tried to rip Leon off but he ended up getting his cash back - we reckon she does it regularly to finance her bling addiction - oh and did I mention DUMB AS DOG SHIT??. From there we headed to the Redland Bay pub for a couple - the view was good - full moon rising and a full tide. All rode back to my place and after trying to convince Kat to come (and not succeeding) we headed to Yahoo's. Dodge decided to provide the entertainment at some lights at Capalaba - smoked her up timing it perfectly taking off on the lights turning green. Didn't even use any onions - just the white line!!
Eventually got to Yahoo's about 7 and man what a crowd - I think there were 35 in the end crammed in around two large round tables and a couple of smaller ones. The meal was excellent although I reckon I got stuck on the table of pigs - no sooner had the food been placed on the table and it was gone - even fighting over which way to spin the lazy susan!! The other table had plenty left over - enough to even start chucking it at us. Anyway, the meal and the people were good and we eneded up standing around outside for a smoke.
Another table in the place was celebrating a womans 60th and on leaving someone asked her if she (Nanna) wanted to ride on a Harley. Her ears pricked up and she got all excited and said yeah - Taffy volunteered to give her a short one (ride). After sticking a someomes helmet and jacket on her Grizz picker her up and threw her on the back. Watching Taffy take off on the road with her buttin the back of his head was funny. On arriving back Grizz lifter her off and OMG - Nanna had a dress on and everyone saw what she had to eat in Yahoo's - mmmmmm!! Anyway, she loved the ride and good on Taffy for making her night.
We left there and went for a squirt through the back of Springwood - some good stretches of road and nice corners. Panda reckons Koff nearly lost it into one of the corners - didn't see what happened myself. We ended up at Garden City and the boys ad play in the car park making lots of noise. After that, parked the bikes and headed for coffee. Bit more banter and then decided to head for home - got in around 12:15. Good night was had by all - especially Nanna!!
Eventually got to Yahoo's about 7 and man what a crowd - I think there were 35 in the end crammed in around two large round tables and a couple of smaller ones. The meal was excellent although I reckon I got stuck on the table of pigs - no sooner had the food been placed on the table and it was gone - even fighting over which way to spin the lazy susan!! The other table had plenty left over - enough to even start chucking it at us. Anyway, the meal and the people were good and we eneded up standing around outside for a smoke.
Another table in the place was celebrating a womans 60th and on leaving someone asked her if she (Nanna) wanted to ride on a Harley. Her ears pricked up and she got all excited and said yeah - Taffy volunteered to give her a short one (ride). After sticking a someomes helmet and jacket on her Grizz picker her up and threw her on the back. Watching Taffy take off on the road with her buttin the back of his head was funny. On arriving back Grizz lifter her off and OMG - Nanna had a dress on and everyone saw what she had to eat in Yahoo's - mmmmmm!! Anyway, she loved the ride and good on Taffy for making her night.
We left there and went for a squirt through the back of Springwood - some good stretches of road and nice corners. Panda reckons Koff nearly lost it into one of the corners - didn't see what happened myself. We ended up at Garden City and the boys ad play in the car park making lots of noise. After that, parked the bikes and headed for coffee. Bit more banter and then decided to head for home - got in around 12:15. Good night was had by all - especially Nanna!!
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