Thought I would do Alleys North ride on Saturday so jumped on the bike and headed to the North meeting point. Lots of fog still hanging around - probably from last nights rain - but the day was supposed to be warm. Five bikes - Spokes, Alley, Bear, Sarge and myself left Maccas spot on 9 and headed out through Samford. The ride over Mt Glorious was great - hardly any traffic and nice and cool - although I failed to keep up due to me scraping on most tight coners. Anyway caught up for a break on the road down. On re-mounting Alley and Bear swapped bikes for Alley to get a feel of the big VTX.
Rode onwards to Esk and man is it dry out this way - no wonder we are on water restrictions - nothing green out this way only dried out farmland and dust!! Really let the VTX off the hook on a couple of straight stretches and enjoyed it - mind you there were shit loads of bugs about due to the rain from the night before. Rode into Esk where Sarge needed to re-fuel while the rest of us had a chat. Think Alley really enjoyed Bears VTX and may even end up with one. On the road again and took the turn to Hampton for the ride up the range through the National Park - love this ride - nothing too tight just nice smooth sweeping corners and all the while riding through the trees. They have finally finished been doing the road up from what used to be a single lane of bitumen in some parts to a full 2 lanes of bitumen so that made this part of the ride even better. Finally hit the top of the range and Hampton, turned left and headed to Cabarlah for lunch at the Farmers Arms.
Lunch was good and Gringo and Chiquita rolled in while we were stopped. Once finished we headed back to Hampton to re-fuel - man it was now getting hot in the sun even up here!! Turned to head down the range at Pechey - took a road past a dam which was a good stretch of windys and then got back onto the main road heading to Esk. Stopped in Esk and slapped on plenty of sunscreen - I was burning up - should have worn long sleeves. Had a drink and a rest in the shade then on the bikes and headed back up to Mt Glorious. This was a refreshing part of the ride as the temperature dropped the higher we headed - took this part of the ride nice and easy to enjoy the cooler temp and soak up the sights. Gringo took his time as manouvering the Winnebago - whoops I mean Royal Star - can be tricky on these tight curves!!
All pulled into the cafe on the mountain and ordered refreshments - Spokes spotted another Warrior rider pull in and took off and had him trapped for the best part of half an hour. Anyway we all said our goodbyes and headed home from the top of the mountain - rally enjoyed the ride down and on to Samford at my own paceout towars the bay. Got home just after 5 and 430kms with another smile on my face - Kat must think somethings going on but it's only between me and my bike!!.
Rode onwards to Esk and man is it dry out this way - no wonder we are on water restrictions - nothing green out this way only dried out farmland and dust!! Really let the VTX off the hook on a couple of straight stretches and enjoyed it - mind you there were shit loads of bugs about due to the rain from the night before. Rode into Esk where Sarge needed to re-fuel while the rest of us had a chat. Think Alley really enjoyed Bears VTX and may even end up with one. On the road again and took the turn to Hampton for the ride up the range through the National Park - love this ride - nothing too tight just nice smooth sweeping corners and all the while riding through the trees. They have finally finished been doing the road up from what used to be a single lane of bitumen in some parts to a full 2 lanes of bitumen so that made this part of the ride even better. Finally hit the top of the range and Hampton, turned left and headed to Cabarlah for lunch at the Farmers Arms.
Lunch was good and Gringo and Chiquita rolled in while we were stopped. Once finished we headed back to Hampton to re-fuel - man it was now getting hot in the sun even up here!! Turned to head down the range at Pechey - took a road past a dam which was a good stretch of windys and then got back onto the main road heading to Esk. Stopped in Esk and slapped on plenty of sunscreen - I was burning up - should have worn long sleeves. Had a drink and a rest in the shade then on the bikes and headed back up to Mt Glorious. This was a refreshing part of the ride as the temperature dropped the higher we headed - took this part of the ride nice and easy to enjoy the cooler temp and soak up the sights. Gringo took his time as manouvering the Winnebago - whoops I mean Royal Star - can be tricky on these tight curves!!
All pulled into the cafe on the mountain and ordered refreshments - Spokes spotted another Warrior rider pull in and took off and had him trapped for the best part of half an hour. Anyway we all said our goodbyes and headed home from the top of the mountain - rally enjoyed the ride down and on to Samford at my own paceout towars the bay. Got home just after 5 and 430kms with another smile on my face - Kat must think somethings going on but it's only between me and my bike!!.
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