Well I've been playing around with my new camera for the past few days trying to determine the best place to mount it. After much stuffing around I have decided that on the bars is the best place, mainly because I wanted to include the lean angles in the shot. I had previously trialed my helmet and the headlight as mounts.
The video below is part of my run into work this morning - I decided to add music to it as the recorded audio is pretty crappy. Overall, I'm happy with the picture - it's not TV quality by any means, but I didn't want to have to part with huge wads of cash.
Let me know what you think!
The video below is part of my run into work this morning - I decided to add music to it as the recorded audio is pretty crappy. Overall, I'm happy with the picture - it's not TV quality by any means, but I didn't want to have to part with huge wads of cash.
Let me know what you think!
Labels: video
Hey There! I just got in from Vegas and So. Cal. a lot happened (not so good--my dog is no longer with us on the planet:(....... but, I was glad to see a video finally of the camcorder! I love. For being self contained it takes great pics. Its strange to see the riding on the left lane. Can't wait to see more from down under!
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