no politics...just ridin'

Motorcycle Parking In Brisbane

Looks like the Brisbane City Council has decided to get tough on us riders when parking in the city. The story below details how the council issued parking tickets to all bikes that were parked along the footpath in Turbot Street in late May. This is where I park my bike in the city when working back home.

Concerns about blocked footpaths?? Where, Mr Mayor??

To be quite honest, I think this move is an absolute load of crap - at a time when the council should be looking at ways of reducing the number of cars entering the CBD, these knobs have decided to turn on one of the best alternatives for some unjustified revenue. The footpath in question is not very often used by pedestrians, and most times, all bikes are parked so to allow ample room for pedestrians. For times where a bike is blocking access for pedestrians, fine, give them a ticket but why outlaw this number of parking spots for bikes without replacing them all??


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets get together and do something

5:00 PM  
Blogger Motorcycle Paradise said...

Some of our politicians have strong anti-motorcycle opinions including current Mayor and Transport Minister.

Cambell Neuman has turned out to be a moron. Talks about reducing congestion and emissions then attacks environmentally low impact motorcyclists and carbon efficient apartment dwellers before driving back to his inefficient suburban mega home in his fuel guzzling Jeep.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Malgas said...

Would anyone like to organise a protest - as they did in Melbourne some years ago to 'encourage' council to feel more bike friendly. On a specific day all motorcycle riders parked in a city carpark space (1 bike per car space). It forced council to acknowledge the number of bike riders. The result - in Melbourne bikes can park in many areas on the footpath as long as they don't obstruct entraces, pedestrian areas, etc .... anything as long as they don't obstruct the cars! Sorry .... no bright ideas about how to get this idea off the ground.

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those motorcycle parking bays are now painted on the road, and with it came an information leaflet that tells me that they almost doubled the number of motorcycle parking spaces.

Except they didn't. Because of the fact that they did not make very clever use of the available space I hazard to gues that the total number of "out of the way" spots has declined, quite considerably.

If you are a late starter (anytime past 8am it seems) you can forget finding a "legal" spot.

Also the motorcycle parks that are not on the fringe will be charged at $4.30 a day. Right now the ticket machine is there, but the signs still say free parking.

I'm not sure what the council is trying to achieve with this. People will get back on the bus or train instead of the scooter. And lets face it. Both the buses and the trains really don't need more passengers right now.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Ogri said...

Hello from London,
the central borough in London has been charging for parking since a trial started in August 2008. Payment is by Pay By Phone and online,so you need a mobile phone with credit and battery and a bank account and credit card or you need internet access.
A protest group has been formed: No To Bike Parking Tax. Please check out our website and forum via:
We are holding weekly demos in the middle of London, our reasoning is, 'charge us to park like cars and we'll congest like cars'. We target a roundabout and ride around it, slowly, not filtering - causes huge congestion during the morning rush hour. We are also taking the council to the High court to challenge the scheme; funded by donations from out 7500 supporters.
Get organised, start blocking traffic. Bikes are the solution, not the problem. Good luck.

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what we've done in the UK

5:31 AM  
Blogger evo said...

nfortunately this would allow them to use a great new law ans accuse us of being part of a motorcycle gang/ outlaws... we'd be charged with loitering or causing public nuisance or something for sure! We need someone like the Russian president to make a sensible judgement call!

2:11 AM  

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